
Feature - Gekkayo

Hi Everyone!
Hope you all had a great weekend!

I'm so very excited to share with you my latest feature out on Gekkayo, Japanese Media.
It's all in Japanese, so some of you might not be able to read it unfortunately, but actually
I'm loving it! It's usually not very easy to get some love by the Japanese Media, specially in Music.

Gekkayo talks about my debut Single #PopLife and about my background from Fashion to Art and Music. 
I would like to thank Gekkayo once again for the great and really well written article. 

PS: I personally love the title! 
"YOHAN〜妖しげでアートな魅力のブラジル生まれ/東京ち", which in free translation would be something like "YOHAN, the Mysterious, Artistic and Charming Brazilian born Tokyo raised".

Check it out in the link embedded below and give me some #Love! =)



Woke up to this Beautiful article about me and #PopLife on Gekkayo! It's all in Japanese but WORTH a read! =) Title...

Posted by YOHAN on Thursday, November 12, 2015