Yuki Katsura

David Bowie's Goodbye & Yumi Katsura Haute Couture Show

Hi Everyone! How is it all going?
It's almost February already and it went by so fast! So many great and sad things already happened...

I would like to start with a series of pictures and a tribute I posted on my Instagram in honor of our Hero who left us with a legacy of Art, Fashion, Culture and Music.



As an ‪#‎Artist‬ myself and big ‪#‎Bowie‬ fan, it's my obligation to write something meaningful and worth about our forever ‪#‎ZiggyStardust‬. ...I suddenly started receiving so many texts from friends saying "Bowie died!". Yesterday we lost a ‪#‎Genius‬
We lost a ‪#‎Visionaire‬ who always fought for his ‪#‎Dreams‬ and ‪#‎Goals‬. An Artist like no other who didn't need to die in order to become a ‪#‎Legend‬, the MAN was already IT.

Surprisingly, sadness wasn't the first emotion that took over my heart, somehow, perhaps unconsciously, my brain transformed the sad news into it gratitude. Yes, gratitude for having been blessed and still catch the #DavidBowie legacy. His ‪#‎Music‬, his ‪#‎Art‬, his ‪#‎Fashion‬. We were all lucky to have been living in this dimension alongside a great force. Some experienced more of HIM, some much less but still, we all have our own references and inspirations taken from this ‪#‎Rebel‬, we all have our own #Bowie within. 
I'm proud to have immortalized Bowie in my debut single and music video ‪#‎PopLife‬, I feel like I contributed on keeping up with his legacy throughout the next generations. http://bit.ly/poplifevideo

Bowie changed the way we see MEN with his glamorous and avant garde takes on fashion. HE revolutionized Rock and Pop Music by allowing new ideas, ‪#‎TheMANWhoSoldTheWorld‬ led up the way for the LGBT changing taboos and opening up for so many new generations that followed.
‪#‎Ziggy‬ revolutionized the Show Biz with his almost self destructive character, his Glass Spider and countless outrageous stage performances.

At last, to finish the cycle of a lifetime, our ‪#‎Hero‬ left us a big master piece. HE did it again! ‪#‎David‬ left us an autobiographical album with truthful lyrics, more musical experiments, cinematographic videos and a last goodbye from a tired yet accomplished ‪#‎BlackStar‬ or simply as in the silence of this moment, ★."

...Now, moving on to some happier news, I was invited to create the soundtrack for the legendary Yumi Katsura Haute Couture Show which will happen tomorrow January 25th, during Paris Fashion Week. If you are around, go check out the amazing collection they created in collaboration with designer Ji Haye and art director Felix Boukobza. 
Btw, besides some great new Music I found for this special curation, I also mixed 2 of my unreleased songs + #PopLife which you might already have heard.
If not, here are some links! =)

Have a great week everyone!
Thank you for the continuous support!